Lots and lots of rain and wind and I get happy because finally its relevant to drink hot coffee here! I've been feeling kind of stupid drinking hot coffee when it's been extremely hot outside but I just can't stand the ice coffee thing.
This is my favorite cup that I got really cheap at a thrift store in the neighborhood.
So yesterday it started raining heavily because of a typhoon coming in Japan and it only got worse today. Thank god for umbrellas! I actually quite like the vision of thousands of umbrellas moving everywhere. And many of them really cute. I even saw a business man with a pink one.
School got cancelled after 2 classes because of the typhoon, and it was actually our first day of school! Quite an easy start!
Gott ad thad var ekki meira vesen tengt typhoon, missa 2 daga i skolanum er litid midad vid flod & skemmd hus etc. Inga