Ok, to tell the truth, this photo is one week old. But it fitted perfectly to todays theme.
This photo is not just taken at some random place. It's taken in one of the creepiest place I've been to. The Aokigahara forest, which is famous as being the most popular place for people to commit suicide in Japan. Second most popular in the world after the Golden Gate bridge. It's eerily quiet in there and really easy to get lost. Compasses don't work there because of high iron altitude.
We went there with our Folklore teacher last week because we were learning about the folklore surrounding Mt. Fuji. Actually half of our group got lost there and it was kind of scary because naturally - just to add to the creepiness, our phones did not work in the forest! But they found their way out.
I tried to take loads of pictures but some how I thought that I couldn't capture the ice cold, scary feeling of the forest.
In the forest there are many hand made signs telling you to think about your family and suicide is not the right way. When I saw these leaves that had formed this little pretty flower, I kind of got the feeling that this was nature telling you that life is too beautiful to do this to yourself...
if you want to read more about Aokigahara, read this.
P.S. If you read blogs, like you are doing now...use this tool, Bloglovin. I love it. I even bloglove it...eheheh.
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This photo is not just taken at some random place. It's taken in one of the creepiest place I've been to. The Aokigahara forest, which is famous as being the most popular place for people to commit suicide in Japan. Second most popular in the world after the Golden Gate bridge. It's eerily quiet in there and really easy to get lost. Compasses don't work there because of high iron altitude.
We went there with our Folklore teacher last week because we were learning about the folklore surrounding Mt. Fuji. Actually half of our group got lost there and it was kind of scary because naturally - just to add to the creepiness, our phones did not work in the forest! But they found their way out.
I tried to take loads of pictures but some how I thought that I couldn't capture the ice cold, scary feeling of the forest.
In the forest there are many hand made signs telling you to think about your family and suicide is not the right way. When I saw these leaves that had formed this little pretty flower, I kind of got the feeling that this was nature telling you that life is too beautiful to do this to yourself...
if you want to read more about Aokigahara, read this.
P.S. If you read blogs, like you are doing now...use this tool, Bloglovin. I love it. I even bloglove it...eheheh.
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